
The Adolescence Course!
Puppyhood as we all know is hard work, but as owners our training journey is not done just yet…
Incoming... the dreaded adolescence...
All those hormones come flooding in and at times it can make you question all your hard work, as sometimes it looks like your pup's training is starting to go backwards!
But don't worry, it's not because your puppy is being stubborn it's because half of their brain is being developed at a quicker rate than the other half... making their brain and thought process a little bit fuzzy!
Think of ourselves when we went through our teenager years!
Our Adolescence Course teaches owners different awesome ways to get their dog’s brain involved with enriching activities that keeps growing their relationship with their owner at the same time…
Plus advanced obedience, disengagement and that ultimate bomb proof whistle recall and emergency stop!
Our Adolescence Course: 5 weeks
More Course Info Below:
Scent Training - Training to specifically find a scent just like the drug detection dogs!
Did you know that 15 minutes of scent training is the equivalent of your dog going on a 6 mile hike!
Whistle Training: Getting the PERFECT recall every…single…time!
Emergency Stop!
Fast Retrieves! Make retrieving things super fun! For most dogs the possession part is the best part but we change that and train for them to love to bring objects to you!
Disengagement from the environment, this could be other dogs, birds, people…including those pesky sexy squirrels!
Mirror Heel Work Training
Confidence & Optimism
Why we love scent training and why your dog will love it to…
The benefits of scent work for dogs is huge!! Approximately 41% of the dogs brain is dedicated to scenting…EVERY dog loves to sniff no matter what breed they are!
It serves so many uses to the dog….its how a dog finds his or her way around the world they live in, it’s how he or she communicates, it’s how they investigate the world around them….it’s vital to their safety…..its HUGE!
Imagine if your dog was never allowed to fully utilise that part of the brain…..well they do, and often we feel the need to interfere, but why…..
Because, so often it is on their terms…. Going off to Sniff at inappropriate moments, following scent, becoming so engrossed they disappear over the horizon oblivious to their surroundings and to you... Nose power….and BRAIN power….
Scent work is designed to be a much more thoughtful activity…..mentally tiring.
The benefits are almost too fabulous…. For a less confident dog, or for one who is wary of its surroundings….they can learn to be comfortable engaging with an activity working alone, which allows the worries of the environment to fade as they focus on locating scent and working with you...
For our dog who just loves to learn more, its a new activity that has almost endless possibilities of fun...
For our dogs who live life in the fast lane, here’s something to focus that energy and engage the mind in to thought and using that nose….
All types of dogs can enjoy the activity and as you learn more about scent and your dog, you will start to see your dog in a completely new light.
You learn to understand their body language better, you begin to build true teamwork and connection taking your relationship to another level…

It’s ok to mourn the dog that you wanted…
The ‘Good Dog’ Workshop…
When we first imagine sharing our life with a dog, we often imagine it would be:
Lovely walks through the park
Cuddling on the sofa listening to the rain
A dog doting on you and hanging on to every word that you say
A calm obedient dog that you can take anywhere
However, what so many owners are struggling with:
Jumping up
Counter surfing
Attention barking
Stealing items
Being destructive
Lack of social skills
Manic energy…
Just to name a few!
Your dog isn’t being ‘naughty’ your dog is doing the best he can in the environment that he is currently in at this present moment.
You are also NOT bad owners if you are experiencing all these behaviours.
You too are doing your best with the knowledge and skill set that you currently have now.
What we want to do is change how your dog sees all of the above ‘rewarding rehearsed behaviours’
We want to build and give him a new desirable skill set that will help him achieve being a ‘Good Dog’ and ultimately the dream dog that you hoped for.
In this two hours intensive workshop we will be going through all of the behaviours listed above and giving owners brand new content to work with and achieve their goals!
Workshop details:
Location: Waggy Warehouse
Price: £95
Private WhatsApp Support
Training Tracker
Enrichment Pack
If life with your dog isn’t what you imagined then this workshop is for you!

The ‘Over Friendly’ Dog Workshop!
Does your dog fixate on other dogs because he is so excited to greet them?
Does your dog run off into the sunset wanting to greet strangers and dogs?
Does your dog pull on the lead to get to other dogs?
Does your dog lie down or sit firmly not wanting to move when they see another dog?
Recall is somewhat selective?
Is your dog’s recall based on what else is out there in the environment?
Then this workshop is for you!
Two intensive classes designed to build and proof the foundations to getting your ‘Over Friendly’ dog to recall and to walk nicely! No matter what is in the environment!
Our first session will be held at our centre that focuses on boosting engagement and super fun recall and loose leash walking games.
The second session will be out in the real life environment…
As with all our courses and programmes, the real life training isn’t about training in a village hall or centre, it’s about achieving those results in a real life environment!
For our two week workshop:
Cost = £80
Two Intensive Classes
High Value Training Toy
WhatsApp Support Group
Training Tracker

Pro Loose Leash Walking Session!
Boost your loose leash walking in just one session!
Does this sound like your walks with your dog: ⬇️
Does your dog drag you down the road sniffing out a scent, or towards a desirable bush, hedge, lamppost or dog?
Are you dreading your dog walks?
Then this intensive class is for you!
This intensive class is designed to build and ‘Super Boost’ your dogs loose leash walking!
Learn our Top Secrets with how to create loose leash walking.
Pro Loose Leash walking Session:
Cost = £40
Intensive Class
WhatsApp Support Group
Training Tracker

Celeste & Murphy
As a first time dog owner I wanted the best start for my puppy. I was so lucky to find Puppy and Friends. It’s been such a positive experience from week 1.
We met such lovely owners and learned so many useful lessons. I came away equipped with the knowledge on how to prepare myself and my puppy for a happy and successful partnership.
Everything is based on fun and reward in a calm and practical environment, there’s also no judgment. As I have no experience with dogs at times I felt overwhelmed.
Siobhan was always there to listen and give useful advice, even outside the sessions. I would have no hesitation to recommend this organisation.

John, June & Bentley
Thank you Puppy and Friends!
June and I both considered ourselves to be decent dog handlers having previously owned two Doberman.
However, rescuing our Pointer puppy, Bentley, through up more than a few challenges than we anticipated.
However, your training has been so rewarding and Bentley and ourselves have learnt lots of new things and we enjoyed every moment of our training.
We wouldn’t hesitate in recommending you to anyone with a dog who is looking for help - and fun - and finishing off with a dog and handler egg and spoon race was the icing on the cake.
Thank you !

Kelly & Luna
Where do I start, I called Siobhan this morning an emotional wreck following Christmas as our catahoula/lab puppy seemed to have gone backwards with all the excitement and had separation anxiety.
Siobhan’s knowledge and relaxed manner calmed me instantly.
We were completely unable to leave her again without her becoming highly stressed and howling. Siobhan was amazing - talking us through everything we needed and we have trialled it today, the results already have been amazing we’ve left her multiple times throughout the day and twice for an hour and a half and she’s been silent both long times.
Siobhan had all the time in the world for us, no question silly, nothing too much trouble. She helped us put a plan together and has already
made it possible for us to leave her and know she’s happy and content. We now don’t feel as guilty at all having to work as we now know she can be settled and happy when we are out working. There are no words to thank you for everything you have done today and your support.
Even during the holidays you we’re at the end of the phone to help us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Love Luna and the Lavery’s!